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  • How do I become a translator or interpreter?
    Ensuring both languages you are wanting to translate/interpret from and into are at or near-native level proficiency. This means that you will have mastered both languages such that you are able to translate/interpret most encounters, and not just basic ones. This means that you will have, for instance, the cultural knowledge and background to understand and find equivalents to everything from slang, jailhouse terms, to cultural healing practices in the healthcare setting to mastery of more formal, flowery language found in literature. Unless you’ve formally studied both languages in countries in which such languages are spoken, you may likely have to take advanced level language courses prior to taking step 2. Take some introductory courses in translation and/or interpretation to both gauge your mastery of your working languages and understand the roles and responsibilities of professional translators and interpreters. Decide on a path of practice, whether it’s translation, project management, localization, transcription/subtitling, community interpreting, medical interpreting, legal interpreting, diplomatic interpreting, and/or conference interpreting. Once the path is decided on, then study, study, study. Though there are some professionals who are generalists, most will tell you that specializing iskey in this industry. Get involved in local or national associations, where you can meet mentors and colleagues and perhaps obtain first-hand accounts of what it’s like to be a professional interpreter or translator. CLICK HERE TO BECOME AN EPITA MEMBER
  • How do I get certified?
    a. Depending on what path of translation and/or interpretation you choose, in theU.S. (you’ll have even more options if you search abroad), you have the followingorganizations to look to for further information on the matter: i. TRANSLATION – American Translator’s Association (ATA) 1. For certification information, see: ii. COMMUNITY INTERPRETING – there are certificates, NOT certificationsor licenses, issued by private companies, but you would have to gaugehow well they will be recognized by your future employers/clients. Here isa list of some offered by universities: 1. 2. 3. iii. MEDICAL INTERPRETING – There are two main certifyingbodies that offer the credential of certified healthcare or medicalinterpreter. Currently, not all hospitals across the U.S. require thiscredential, but it is strongly recommended. They are: 1. Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters (CCHI); thecredentail earned is called Certified Healthcare Interpreter (CHI) - 2. National Board of Certification for Medical Interpreters (NBCMI);the credentail earned is called Certified Medical Interpreter (CMI) - iv. LEGAL INTERPRETING – Every state has their own test, andthere is also a Federal test. If the Federal test is passed, there may bereciprocity in the state in which you choose to practice, however, youmust check with that state for their requirements. 1. For Texas, Texas Office of Court Administration Judicial BranchCertification Commission (JBCC) - a. Also in Texas, the credential to be earned is called TexasLicensed Court Interpreter, but depending on your scoreon the exam, you would earn one of two designations: theTLCI-Basic or the TLCI-Master. The difference is describedhere: 2. For New Mexico, New Mexico Center for Language Access, thecredentail earned is called New Mexico Certified Court Interpreter(NMCCI) - 3. The Federal test is administered by the Administrative Office ofthe U.S. Courts on behalf of the Federal Judiciary. The test iscalled the Federal Court Interpreter Certification Examination(FCICE) and the credential earned is that of a United States CourtCertified Interpreter (USCCI) - v. DIPLOMATIC INTERPRETING – The Interpreting Division of the Office ofLanguage Services with the U.S. Department of State tests their in-housepersonnel and contractors. - vi. CONFERENCE INTERPRETING – The Interpreting Division of theOffice of Language Services with the U.S. Department of State also teststheir in-house personnel and contractors for this level of interpreting. - vii. SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETING – Registry of Interpreters forthe Deaf (RID) -
  • What can I do to prepare or practice?
    a. Enroll in translation and/or interpreting courses in person or online. Local resources: i.University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), Minor in Translation ii. University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) - b. Self-study: Once you decide on a path to take, there will be an abundace of materials with scenarios that can be used for self or group study. It is recommended that aspiring interpreters practice with one or more other aspiring interpreters, preferrably who don’t share the former’s strenghts. For example, if your stronger language is English, it is recommended that you team up with someone whose stronger language is that which is your weaker one. Vocabulary is learned through practice, so focusing on information retention and technique is more important in the beginning. c. Shadow or be mentored: Find a more experienced translator or interpreter who might take you under their wing either in a mentorshiop or shadowing capacity. Shadowing means you just following the interpreter along to observe. The ATA has a mentorship program, but you can also search locally for a practicing professional and reach out. If you don’t feel comfortable approaching someone, you can also attend public meetings, conferences, and/or hearings and listen in on interpreters’ work. Local resources: i. El Paso City Council meetings held at 300 N Campbell St, El Paso, TX 79901: ii. In-court observations, if unsure if you’d be welcome, please do ask any of the administrative staff: 1. El Paso County Courthouse located downtown from the 6th floor up: 500 E San Antonio Ave, El Paso, TX 79901 2. Albert Armendariz U.S. Federal Courthouse located downtown at 525 Magoffin Ave, El Paso, TX 79901

This FAQ list is being provided as a professional courtesy to interested parties for general information purposes only, without personal endorsement or affiliation. It is incumbent upon anyone taking action based on the information provided to use due caution.

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