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EPITA is an association by you, and for you. Your membership, presence and participation at our regular meetings is vital, especially during these challenging and important times for interpreters and translators.


The annual membership cost is $30.00 for individual members, $60 for Business/Institution members and $10 for Student members. Our fiscal year runs from April 1st, of the current year, through March 31st of the following year.

We are in the process or updating our membership directory, please note that only the credentials for which EPITA has records, will be listed. It is your responsibility to provide them in a timely manner.


You can now use our automated system to submit your membership application, upload copies of your credentials and pay the annual fee on-line by clicking on the button below.








You can also print and mail your application, credentials and a check or money order to: EPITA, Membership Director, P.O. Box 12545. El Paso, TX 79912. Additionally, if you need to update your profile, please contact our Membership Director. Click on the button below for a printed copy of the application.






Please don't hesitate to contact us with your ideas and suggestions and visit our website at to stay up to date on the latest events in pursuance of our mission. Thank you for renewing or applying for your membership with El Paso Interpreters and Translators Association. We look forward to working with you over the coming fiscal year.




Membership Director

New Member/Renewal Application 
Application Forms
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